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Yaelis Monteros Rivera

Yaelis Monteros Rivera

Get to Know Yaelis Monteros Rivera

Yaelis Monteros is a senior at Carson High School in the academy GBLG, which is Government, Business, and Law. She is looking forward to study animal medicine and become a veterinarian to help out all animals and help them survive with their needs and so that she has a career that she loves to work with. She enjoys being with all types of animals and she has had dogs, hamsters, and now has a bunny to love and care for. She is hoping to be attending Cal Poly Pomona to major in Animal medicine and get a bachelor’s degree to get the career she wants. She joined journalism to improve on her social skills and to learn how to write articles about news or anything that is going on in the school. She loves to read books and draw. Her favorite genre is horror when it comes to movies and for books she is open to read anything available.

Content by Justin Barrios

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