By Ira Mendoza, Staff Writer | September 28, 2022
If you have been paying attention in school for the past few weeks, then you must have noticed that Carson held a Spirit Week and a Senior Sunrise. If you participated in these, you can thank the Carson ASB for it.
What is ASB? The Associated Student Body, or ASB for short, are elected students that help to create and promote interests and goals for the school. There are 5 main positions in Carson ASB: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. The President is Amaury Tinoco, Vice President is Hesha Jaranilla, Secretary is Elijah DelaCruz, Treasurer is Josh Arcenal, and Historian is Leonardo Salazar. These students are all seniors who exceed expectations, so you can trust them to lead ASB. These 5 positions run ASB with help from their teacher, Ms. Robertson.
Spirit Week, which was held during August, and Senior Sunrise, which was also held in August, were pretty successful. The Welcome Back Spirit Week consisted of days like Crazy Socks on Monday, High School Clique on Tuesday, Twin Day on Wednesday, Class Colors on Thursday, and Carson Gear on Friday. Senior Sunrise was simply an event where seniors watched the sunrise together on the school campus.
Nathan Nacor, senior at Carson High, who participated in both events said, “Spirit Week and
Senior Sunrise were a lot of fun, and I can't wait for more events from ASB!”
Carson ASB held another Spirit Week which included Disney Day on Monday, Tacky Tourist on Tuesday, Cultural Day on Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and another Carson Gear Day on Friday.
At the end of the week, there was Club Rush which was hosted by ASB on the 16 th . There were a variety of new clubs to choose from this year including the Rock Club and the Astrology Club.
Jakob Hernandez, a CHS senior and new ASB member, said, “ASB has been working hard to
make these events fun for everyone!”
Upcoming events include the Colt Care program where cards are made for kids with cancer to support them as they fight on and the Homecoming Game and Homecoming Dance which will be in October.
Many events that most students are exited and waiting for, are by Carson ASB.