By Amelia Donini-Gomez, Writer | January 24, 2025

Photo courtesy of Amelia Donini-Gomez
As of January 2025, there has been a distinct rise of 3 illnesses: Covid 19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the flu. These illnesses can have serious effects including feelings of laziness, weakness, and other related symptoms.
Continual sickness is of concern to some.
Carson High School Senior Leslie Rodriguez, stated, “I feel very irritated because I dislike getting sick from the flu and viruses [that]cause me to miss school and fall behind in class,” said Carson High School senior Leslie Rodriguez. “I also dislike the feeling of guilt from getting family and friends sick as well.”
Flus and viruses are extremely contagious making cleanliness a top priority.
“I try to keep my class clean and tell students to wash their hands if needed too,” said CHS instructor Mrs. Mertens. “I provide many tissues and hand sanitizer to try to prevent kids from getting many of their classmates sick as well as myself.¨
Germs are everywhere, no matter what you touch. Something as simple as your phone can have more germs than you might think. This is why we should be cautious about what we touch and make sure to keep ourselves and our most touched items as clean as possible.
Yet, there are other factors to consider as well when considering winter illnesses.
CHS nurse Marianne Hishinuma explained, ¨Additives in fast food lack nutritional values combined with the current state of our polluted air which causes many of the illnesses today¨
Nurse Hishinuma advises students to get a full 8 hours of sleep a day and to take in the proper nutrition to fight off these horrible diseases that are currently causing problems for many.
Suggestions by experts include remembering to maintain a well-balanced diet as this may play a crucial role in strengthening bodies and supporting a healthy immune system. Maintaining a diet high in nutrients that provide essential vitamins and minerals may also help the body fight off viruses and infections. Fruit, vegetables, and protein are better choices as opposed to consistently choosing fast food options experts maintain.