By: Gabriell Algo, Staff Writer | September 28, 2022
As students work, they need resources that are not immediately available on the campus. For example, they might need to print out an essay that is due that day, they may need to scan over books in order to look for evidence to include in a project, or they just need a or a quieter spot to relax. This is what the library provides-an incredible space to work or relax. It is a quiet place to read, research, work, and print anything that students may need in order to be productive or just unwind from the hectic school day.
Just recently, the library was closed for 2 weeks straight, and when students came to the library to work or return their books, they were sorely disappointed to find that the library was vacant save for the maintenance crew that was fixing the broken pipes in the backroom.
The library is a very busy place and not only at lunch or nutrition. English teachers from all three schools come to the library to utilize the library.
Speaking of the books on the shelves, all books must be checked into the library's catalog. Ms. Nguyen and her assistants are constantly working on organizing the shelves as well as integrating the newer books. Ms. Nguyen has estimated that all of the books will be prepped and in the catalog by the end of October.
“The average book age back then was 26 years old. Now it’s 21 years,” said Ms. Nguyen, referring to the average age that a book will last.
Taking in provides more relatable content to the students, and in turn, the process also purifies the library's catalog of unused and very old books.
But, how much do students really use these services?
The answer: a lot. In fact, the majority of students are very satisfied with the hard work that Ms. Nguyen is putting in to make the library a place that students love.