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Alumni Spotlight : Shawna Blocker

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

by Kenady Craig // Features Editor

Introducing Carson High School Alum, class of 2018 Shawna Blocker. Former track star and entertainment editor of The Trailblazer; known for her fiery red hair, hippy dippy ways, and impeccable fashion sense, but most importantly her artistic expression. She calls it “heartbreak art,” given that her inspiration stems from events in her life, either traumatic or triumphant she manages to make them beautiful; showcasing how the world looks in her eyes in a very alluring way.

“I’ve been doing art my entire life,” Blocker expressed. “[When I was younger] I had bunk beds and I used to draw on them and I used to paint on the walls and my ceilings like Michaelangelo.”

It wasn’t until the fifth grade when she decided to take fine arts more seriously, being inspired by a drawing of an octopus with an ice cream cone on its head. Since then, art has been her second nature, and others have recognized it. The [name of event/orchestrators] discovered her work on Instagram and offered to save a wall for her to paint a mural on (depicted above) [the street].

“It represents the transformation of who we are, like coming into your own..and fulfilling your destiny. There’s a galaxy [surrounding it] representing our light. It’s whatever you want it to be.”

Currently in her second year at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM), she has discovered a new found love, interior and fashion designing. In hopes of having her own fabric company as well as clothing lines having recyclable and reusable materials, in the meantime she does freelance work; making profit customizing and painting on jackets.

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