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Beyonce’s Free Concert Tickets

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

By Faith Grissett: Staff Writer

On January 30th, 2019 Beyonce and Jay Z decided to have free concert tickets for 30 years up to a lifetime, if her fans go vegan. She announced the contest on Instagram, with a post pointing fans toward The Greenprint Project website. It’s an elaborate, interactive online experience that details not just how to enter the contest but specifically how eating more plant-based meals can reduce your environmental impact. Carson High School senior Aryana Houston stated, “I feel like it’s good but I would never go vegan. People should go vegan because they want to and not because someone asked them to, but I feel like she does have a big impact on people because of who she is.” Beyonce and Jay Z decided to motivate their fans into eating more healthy and living a new lifestyle with the vegan life. Seeing the fact that they both take their meat-free lifestyle very serious. “It’s a great opportunity to watch her perform considering that I am vegan. People should understand their food choices and know what their eating. Look towards animal cruelty and your health while eating animals. If someone chooses to go vegan they should do research before they consider doing so.” CHS librarian Ms.Bollinger expressed. Many of the Queen B fans are thinking of going vegan for her concerts but there are also other fans who will not do it because of their love of eating meat. Some people may choose a different eating style while some may stay the same. Will you ever consider going vegan for free concert tickets?

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