By Sieni Mesake, Sports Editor | October 28, 2022

Photo by Sieni Mesake.
For the first time since 2019, the Carson Colt mascot is back!
When the role of the mascot was first introduced earlier in the school year, many
students were interested in taking on the task. The lucky student, chosen by staff as the Colt mascot, is currently a junior in the Environmental Science Engineering Technology Academy (ESET) program at Carson High School. The mascot wishes to be anonymous, so they encourage all friends, family, and staff who know their identity to keep it a secret.
The first appearance of Carson’s mascot was during the Carson vs. Hamilton football game which ended with a score of 20-12 and added another win to Carson's record.
CHS freshman Hateni Mesake stated, “The mascot was…good! I was amazed…the
mascot was the highlight of every game I went to!”
During the game, the mascot stated, “I felt awesome, they played ‘Dancing Queen’,
[by ABBA] and I went off…all the parents loved me, even the little kids!”
Due to the outcome of their performance at the game, they became the official mascot
representing CHS.
The most recent appearance of the mascot was at Carson’s Homecoming and Senior Night versus Gardena High School. The Colt was seen dancing with Carson’s cheer team in a circle as they played “Tell Me When To Go” by E-40.The crowd, commentator, and plenty of students were seen cheering the Colt mascot on as they danced the night away.
Many students and families were amused by the dancing Colt, and some were even
able to capture pictures with them! Will they return for the next football season?
The mascot told us, “Maybe…maybe not, we’ll never know”.
Hopefully, this won’t be the last that we see of the Carson Colt mascot.