By Cynthia Ortiz – Staff Writer
Guys and Dolls, this year’s Carson Complex spring musical, spanned for four days; taking place between March 28th-31st. The musical itself was set in the 1940’s, and followed the story of gamblers of the time and their romantic relationships that cause them both political and emotional troubles. And although only their first show sold out, it was a still a hit, as there was a packed audience every night.
“I felt the outcome of the musical reflected our hard work and the time everyone put into it. I’m thankful for everyone who went and said good things about the musical,” said Carson High School senior, Taylor Kirk, who had the lead role of Sarah Brown in the show.
Kirk also sacrificed some of her own time in perfecting her character, spending “more than just a few hours a day” practicing in the time leading up to the show.
As the musical went on, the gamblers all fell for women who challenged them, along with society. Taking into account that it’s set in a time period that many high school students may deem unfamiliar, bringing these complex personalities to life wasn’t easy. Several cast members even reported working especially hard and long this year to pull it off.
“We rehearsed every Sunday all day long! We’d be at school from 10 a.m to 7 p.m.” exclaimed CHS junior, Brooklyn Jones, who also played the character of Adelaide.
Ultimately, the musical ended with the two male leads each marrying the two female leads, signifying a change in them due to love. Overall, this year’s musical was received incredibly well. We congratulate the entire theatre and stage tech crew/cast on such a successful production and hope to see more great things from them in the future.