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College Applications Are Around The Corner!

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

by Jacqueline Toscano // Staff Writer

As College Apps are out and ready to be filled, the deadline to turn them in is on November 30, 2017. If you miss this deadline, you will be sorry. How do you feel about college applications? When you know college is right around the corner, do you know where you want to go? If you don’t, it’s okay. There is still time to do your research. The exciting and nerve-wrecking part is that every senior goes through this, from filling out applications and wondering if they’re going to get accepted. If you’re not thinking about going to college, think of the path of where it’s going to lead you. College applications do have their fees to fill them out; for UC’s, there is a 70-dollar fee and Cal States are 50-dollar fees. You may think college is expensive, but if you consider it, it’s all worth the great opportunities of what you’re putting yourself into. For expenses like this, there is always a solution like scholarships, financial Aid, and grants. There are always different perspectives for others that have a different side to a story.

Senior Zade Cannon from AEE said “College applications a lot of people don’t want to do them because they feel like they’re a hassle.” As Zade expresses her emotion, she shows the intention of they will help you in the long run. College applications can be stressful, but it depends on how much work you put into it and effort of to show how dedicated you are to making sure your application is perfect, because you will need to include letters of recommendations. Senior president of AEE Francisco Alvarado  said “College applications are an exciting time. It makes you realize that your high school days are limited.”

High school days may feel limited, but people tend to tell themselves it’s too early or it’s too late. Students should start putting their foot in the door to have self confidence in becoming more an independent person to start attending college. Laziness can make you slack off to your future goals. People may think colleges ask for a lot of things and they do and students will probably doubt their self’s thinking they’re not going to get in. The best advice to telling others is to apply to any college, even the ones you don’t want to go to because you will never know what’s ahead of you. Therefore, to overcoming your laziness of filling out college applications, do at least 1 every week to feel less stress.

Senior PAMA student, Jella Isip says, “This is the part where you find out who you are.” College applications are your first step to attaining your goals toward success. In college you’ll find out where you belong and what you really want to do with your life in terms of careers. A huge part of college is finding out who you are and forming the character that will carry you on for the rest of your journey. Are you ready for the next step in your future? Because it’s not over yet. Life is a journey and only you hold the map.

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