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College Fair 2017

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

by Kenady Craig // Staff Writer

The college fair that took place at Cal State Dominguez Hills on September 16 was a big success, which is not surprising because this is their sixteenth year. It was a good opportunity for students (especially seniors) to look at different schools and decide which is best for them.

Ms.Engel, the director of the college center at Carson High School stated, “ …We have about fifty-five colleges. So the big ones are going to be the Cal-State and the UCs, and a lot of privates. We’ll even have people that are coming in from out of state from Eastern Washington, usually Universities of Oregon there…”

There were over fifty-five reps and approximately four hundred students visited. Even some Carson Colts were there to show their pride and gain knowledge of the opportunities that are available to them after high school. Ninth grader Kayla Tucker from Academies of Education and Empowerment states, “I decided to attend because I wanted to look at the different colleges for my job choice and the college fair was the perfect opportunity for me.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re a senior or a freshmen, it is never too early to think about your plans and career goals as well as the colleges you would like to attend.

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