by Vivianna Ambriz // Staff Writer
Carson High School students are consistently showing kindness by helping others. This year, many students have showed perfect examples of how a little amount of assistance can go a long way. The CHS Colorguard family and all of Carson complex volunteered to help special education students learn creative cheers and a halftime show; they all performed during SPED’s annual Special Olympic games held on February 16th, 2018.
Often times, SPED students feel left out and feel that they can’t do the things they should be able to do. Colorguard helped by teaching SPED students fun routines letting them know that they can achieve anything they want as long as they believe.
Colorguard captain Nayeli Quiroz, senior at CHS, believes that this experience is not only beneficial to the SPED students but for the Colorguard members as well.
“This will benefit Colorguard because [members] are helping to teach which is essential for those who want to tryout for captain. Also, socializing with [the SPED students] has also been very fun,” said Nayeli. “As for the students, they seem to be having fun and maybe they can apply the cheers in the future. If they ever happen to need something, they can easily approach the team.”
The other Colorguard captain senior Samantha Del Toro from the Academies of Education and Empowerment stated, “I think it benefits them because they could use the experience [and] show their friends what they learned.”
Carson Complex looks forward to continuing to spread positivity and inclusion amongst all different types of people.
“I believe it helped make those that generally feel like outcasts in society due to being bullied, feel more ecstatic about high school since they were being cheered on all throughout the game.” said AEE senior Hugo Sierra.