By Eduardo Reyes, Staff Writer | December 13, 2022
Los Angeles School Report shows changes between this year and past
Recently, we have seen the end of online learning in our school district. Yet, many students are still struggling with their grades. Specifically, Latino and female students.
According to the LA School Report, “The greatest decline was observed in female students – a 2.76 percentage point decrease in ELA and 6.16 percentage point decrease in mathematics. While Latino students – a 2.71 percentage point decrease in ELA and 5.4 percentage point decrease in mathematics.”
These percentage point decreases are shocking and very concerning for some students. COVID may not be the only reason that these specific groups have seen a decline in learning; it could be the schools themselves.
“I felt a lack of support and motivation from administrators and educators. After COVID, everyone was closed off and social skills were low,” said Carson High School alumna Andrea Guerrero. “I feel there’s a lack of connection with educators and students. It’s important to acknowledge the struggles our students faced. By supporting and motivating our students, students [will gain] more confidence when taking tests.”
These particular groups tend to struggle in the areas of science and math in particular.
Ana Teres Dahan from LA School report stated, “One of the challenges all women and young girls interested in math and science face is that we’re not always given the confidence that those are spaces for us and that those are areas we can excel in.”
Now that a problem has been identified for our Latino and female students, answers should be forthcoming.
“Solutions could be trying to help students who are struggling. Using tutoring and supporting people who are having mental issues by trying to find help for them,” said Academies of Medical Arts junior Ashly Henriquez.
COVID may have had something to do with this decline in point percentages, but it definitely is not the only factor. We should look into helping students with all of their needs and especially their mental health.