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Dorming With The Bruins

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

by Angela Poblano // Editor-in-Chief

Over the summer, SAS (School for Advanced Studies) chose four girls from our very own Carson Complex to experience a 4-day on-campus visit at UCLA! These girls were provided with their own dorm on the UCLA campus and meals in between classes. During the application process, many were guided with help from Ms. Bottlik, one of Carson High School’s most beloved teachers. The four lucky girls chosen were Amiyah Hampton, Cristina Lesa, Sasha Guerrero, and Toni Brady, all of whom are incoming sophomores.

The main focus of this program was to help students understand the collegiate research process and to be able to prepare them to come up with their own research proposals based on social science. The four girls attended lectures based on the concept of research and how the process can be interpreted in multiple ways, even in your personal life through heritage or cultural background.

In order to be considered for such an event, each girl had to fill out an application and write an essay stating why they should be accepted.

Toni Brady explained, “I believe I was chosen because of what I wrote in the essay portion of my application. I spoke about my brother who’s disabled and isn’t able to receive the same education as I can. I want to reach high just for him, because I know he can’t.”

During this experience, the girls followed a common bell schedule in which they attended classes.

Amiyah Hampton described, “On a typical day at UCLA, we woke up around 8am and went to breakfast. After breakfast, we had class time which lasted about an hour or two. Around noon, we ate lunch and had another class time. Before dinner, we were often given free time.”

Each girl received a different message out of this experience and enjoyed separate parts of it.

Sasha Guerrero stated, “My favorite part was meeting the staff working with the program because they were very helpful, although we also had mentors. The staff were easier to relate to and they gave us better insight on the application process.”

Many of the girls who attended this trip have plans to attend UCLA in the near future.

Cristina Lesa expressed, “I plan on applying to UCLA under the major of Business or Psychology.”

Amiyah, Cristina, Sasha, and Toni have a very radiant future ahead of them. If they continue on this path of fascination for learning new things, they’re bound to succeed!

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