By Leila Carbonel, Staff Writer | February 8, 2023
Photo courtesy of Associated Press Images
For many years, the classic Mickey Mouse or Steamboat Willie has embodied joy and happiness, both the young and old, around the globe.
Many are wondering about the fact that Walt Disney’s copyright duration will be expiring soon. What does this mean for the franchise?
A little background-the iconic idol first premiered in its earliest version of Mickey Mouse in New York City in what is now known as the Big Apple. The classic black and white film was released in the fall on November 18, 1928.
Steamboat Willie immediately caught the attention of viewers during its debut; this created an icon for the world which also gave Walt Disney fame in the media industry. Steamboat Willie’s significance to the brand is unparalleled as Mickey Mouse continues to be its most well-known trademark. Disney fans love wearing Mickey ears to theme parks all over the globe.
With Disney's ability to influence younger, vulnerable audiences, the company’s loss of the copyrights to Steamboat Willie can and will give access to anyone who decides to rewrite Mickey's origin.