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Future Wednesdays

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

by Kyndall Beamon // Staff Writer

Carson High School’s College Center has come up with a new program to help students prepare and become educated about their future! This new program is called “Future Wednesdays.” It helps students stay focused on post-secondary options after high school. It also focuses on college requirements and the different types of post-secondary options. 

CHS’s college counselor Mrs. Naufahu said, “It is important for students to know early on what options do exist and what they need to do in order to get there.”

There are also many goals that the college center has for the students. 

Ms.Naufahu added,“We hope that more students will go off to a four year because they’re aware of the requirements early on. The goal is is for students to be aware of the different pathways to secondary or post-secondary education, and what they need to do now in order to get there.” 

There is a very important reason in regards to why Future Wednesdays were set up. Last year, some of the seniors started to regret not knowing about secondary education ahead of time. A lot to the seniors were overheard saying things like “I wish I would’ve known” or “I wish I would’ve done this…”

Ms. Naufaheu wants to prevent that from happening this year. 

“It’s to prevent that wish of knowing. So now, here’s that information and you do what you want with it,” said Mrs. Naufahu. 

You’re probably wondering what you need to do in order to join, right? It is open for all students on Wednesdays! It is a workshop during lunch and whoever wants to participate is welcome. 

“It is basically like a crash course; it’s not like we take a roster and expect the same group of kids each time. Whoever comes in, they’re receiving that workshop for that day,” said Ms. Naufahu. 

Students should feel free to come get important information every Wednesday at lunch for Future Wednesdays!

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