By Valerie Guevara: Staff Writer
On December 22, 2018, President Donald Trump has started a government shutdown that has been ongoing. Around 800,000 employees that have been working for the government have been affected by the shutdown. Because, Donald Trump has not able to raise $5.7 billion dollars to build a wall at the Mexican border to prevent his worst fear, Mexican immigrants from crossing over he’s making the U.S. pay for it by obviously shutting the government down. Trump reacted in such manner because Democrats failed to even pay attention to his idea of the wall. Majority of the population are democrats which means Trump wouldn’t raise much money since the democrats don’t even care enough to listen to his delusional idea.
Carson High School’s history teacher, Ms. Vernon said, “Some people are working for no money right now, they’re [kinda] working in good faith that if the offices get up and running again that the government will give them their money and some offices are completely shut down. In a way it makes the rest of the country pay for his wall, it’s more the act of a spoiled child.”
Officer Kaiden said, “To me it feels like he just doesn’t care until he gets what he wants, i see how it could affect me if the shutdown continues, think about it [like] the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), so who’s going to be there checking the food? Those are concerns to me, somebody could be maliciously doing something to the food, we already have [things] where people are getting sick from certain vegetables and chicken and stuff.”
CHS Senior, Jose Raya Perez said, “The shutdown affects not only I but the schools by cutting off potential field trips since that money comes out of government funding.” Many people have certain opinions on the government shutting down, majority think it’s a wrong thing to do while others that agree with the building of the wall are for the whole process. Many risks have been taken by just Trump’s shutdown. For example, families, lifestyles, and uncontaminated food are all being put in jeopardy, hopefully everything goes back to normal.