by Maria Barrozo // Staff Writer
The MCJROTC program in Carson high school celebrated the 244th Marine Corps birthday while having a cultural diverse potluck and cut cake ceremony at the MPR on November 8th 2019
The Marine Corps was founded on November 10th 1775 in Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as the Continental Congress ordered two battalions of Marines to serve during the Revolutionary War. Since then, the Marine Corps has been serving with Naval tides and it’s one of the most elite serves in the world.
This event takes place at the MPR with all the cadets in the program but however not only does the cadets celebrate it, also the instructors celebrate with them.
“[I] Celebrate the Marine Corps birthday with the cadets because they are a part of the Marine Corps family (at least for the time being) so they get to enjoy a little piece of what real Marines participate in every year at this time of year,”said Master Sergeant Yankowy.
Why is it important to celebrate the Marine Corps? I ask to cadets and they said,
“[It is] cuz you where you come from- you remember where everyone comes from, you remember the origin, you remember the place where it all started. You know, you become more thankful for that if haven’t happened” said George Rudametkin, 12th grader and CHS
“It’s important to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday because it is the beginning of the military defense and recognise everyone who serve and everyone who was apart of the Marines” said Kiolo Ventura, 12th grader and CHS.
Rudametkin CHS and Ventura CHS are also CO [Commanding officer] and XO [Executive officer] for this year 2019-20 year.
“Favorite part was the food and dancing,” said Princess Reano, 9th grader and CHS.
“I enjoyed the energy of everyone there and how we were all just family at the moment. I also enjoyed seeing everyone just let loose on the dance floor and have a good time” said Jeric Olan, 10th grader, CHS.
“My favorite part was the dancing and hanging out with my friends,” said Claudia Guevara , 9th grader, CHS.
The Marines should be appreciated for their work in serving their country, for their honor, courage and commitment but also willing to fight for our country. Happy 244th birthday and thank you for your service Marines, OORAH!!!