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“I Have a Dream”

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

by Keyla Walker // Staff Writer

Martin Luther King Jr. Day ( January 15th ) is a day that celebrates the importance and the history of the life of Martin Luther King Jr., who was a prominent figure in the Civil Rights Movement that began in the 1940s and ended in the 1960s. He fought for racial justice, particularly for African Americans to be treated the same as white Americans. Although the focus was on removing segregation laws for African Americans and promoting equality, Martin Luther King Jr. made a difference for every nationality and race that are considered to be minorities in the United States.

“Personally, this day impacts my family and my African American grandparents who had to deal with discrimination their whole life, and it impacts me as an individual because I am happy to see my father and my extended family being treated with equality and respect no matter what the color of their skin is. Racism is still prevalent to this day, and is especially practiced by those who have hardcore beliefs about white nationalism. However, Martin Luther King Jr. is an example to our generation and to other generations for us to treat each other with equality, and this holiday is a reminder of the non-violent activism and the courageous endeavors that he believed in when it came to fighting for racial justice,” explained Jasmine Broadnax, 12th grader at CHS.

Kaley Mattier, 11th grader that attends AMA stated, “ MLK Day is so important to me because it’s a day where we get to celebrate and honor the life and many achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Every year my family and I attend the MLK Day parade out in LA, which is always a fun experience! To me, Martin Luther King was the definition of a hero. He was a brave man who inspired and lead a movement that still continues to this day. His name to me also means power. It takes one very powerful man to be able to stand up for himself let alone the whole African American community.”

We celebrate the day by being a part of many celebrations that are being given around America. It is important because without mlk our relationship with people that aren’t the same color as us,wouldn’t be the same as it is today.

Destine Bisong, a 10 grader at CHS stated, “ Through his suffering and perseverance we are able to sit at the same table of someone with a different color than mine. Enjoying spending time with all my acquaintances of all races remembering that this was the very dream he had.The great Dr. Martin Luther King is a monumental figure in the history of my people. He means a lot to me due to the fact that if it wasn’t for his actions the civil liberties I enjoy today wouldn’t exist.”

This day is important because today is the day that we come together as one and appreciate a man who dedicated his life to the unity of all races in this country. This liberty is truly something to appreciate so we must see it as important to value the day dedicated to a man who made this all possible. People celebrate this day by enjoying the liberties that have been made possible through his powerful civil rights act. What MLK means is sacrifice , justice and equality for everyone it does not matter the color of your skin . All in all, Dr. Martin Luther King was the absolute pinnacle of black excellence and truly showed what it means to be the change you desire.

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