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Kingdom Hearts 3 – A Review

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

By Tommy Gutierrez – Staff Writer

Kingdom Heart is a video game trilogy that started back in 2002 and just came out with it’s new game recently. This new game came out on January 25th 2019 and is available for Xbox one and PS4. KH fans are very excited to play this new game because they have waited a long time for its arrival. KH is a very complicated and whimsical action RPG series that concludes the main story with the characters Sora, Donald duck, Goofy and other friends as they fight against the evil organization XIII and the swarming blight known as the heartless. This game blends with Final Fantasy’s art style with Disney’s cartoon worlds. You’ll get to visit the settings from the movies like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Pirates of the Caribbean, and you’ll get the help of Simba, Beast, and Captain Jack Sparrow and many other Disney characters. There are a decent amount of KH fans here at Carson High School. CHS Environmental Science, Engineering, and Technology senior student Matthew Sigua said, “I’ve played all of them and it’s one of my favorite gaming series as a child. I like the new game and I would recommend it to people who’ve played the series before because the story is really confusing.” Another CHS senior Ashley Ponce de Leon added, “I love Kingdom Hearts, I’ve been waiting along time for the 3rd one so I feel like that build up of just waiting for the 3rd one automatically makes me feel like it’s amazing, and plus I’m a big Disney fan so it just adds to my excitement.” Kingdom Hearts 3 was the best-selling PS4 game on the Playstation store in January, hopefully it will continue on throughout the year with updates and celebratory wins.

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