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Ms. Engel: The New ESET Counselor

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

by Elijah Alavazo // Co- Technology Editor

Let’s all be honest here, Ms. Engel embodies a much needed change in the Environmental Science Engineering and Technology academy (ESET). If you didn’t know, Ms. Engel is the new ESET counselor, selected  as of last semester, and she has already been a great influence on campus with students and teachers. The previous college counselor and one time Academy of Medical Arts (AMA) counselor at Carson High School (CHS) was a well-received asset in regards of helping the students with their future plans. ESET students rejoiced when they first found out about the miraculous counselor change.

CHS senior, Jason Bauguess, said, “I was happy because she was the former college counselor; she obviously knows what she’s doing.”

Not only are the ESET students happy, but ESET teachers are too.

The head teacher of ESET, Ms. Bird- who’s worked with Ms. Engel for several years-  called her, “A game-changer,” and she proceeded to say she’s been, “…opening doors to our students to places that the wouldn’t think about going [through].”

Ms. Bird truly appreciates her arrival to the academy. She assures that Ms. Engel’s change in position is a great deal for the ESET students, who can finally let out a breath of relief knowing that tension in the years prior to the staff change will no longer exist.

Ms. Engel shared, “I want to make sure that everyone’s records are good,” revealing her plan to have that one on one talk with each student to discuss their future plans regarding their decision to go to college or find a career that best suits them.

Evidently, Ms. Engel considers options that fits a students’ wants and needs to get them on the right track. Her target goal is to be as accessible as possible. She plans to incorporate Schoology- an app that allows both students and their parents or guardians to manage academic activity- into that matter, which is an essential change in being able to interact with her and be aware of her announcements, reminders, and updates.

Ronia Green, CHS junior, decided to share her wonderful first experience with Ms. Engel, “In the beginning of the year when I had to change my classes to my preferred APs, she was immediately able to [help, and she led] me to analyzing each possible option I had.”

Other ESET students share the same experience as Green, in which their new counselor was easily able to make class changes that best suit the interest of the student, and to no surprise.

Ms. Engel has obviously shown great promise. She is a responsible and respectable person who has had decades worth of experience working in CHS, and she makes ESET seniors wish they had her sooner. Ms. Engel is a valuable  asset towards ESET; her hard work, dedication, knowledge, and skills will not fail you, so take advantage of the marvelous works that she bestows!

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