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New College Center

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

by Cynthia Ortiz // Co Editor-in-Chief

Returning Carson Complex students may have noticed the college center’s brand new room. The relocation occurred over the summer in preparation for the 2019/2020 school year and ever since, has made quite a difference for students and staff alike.

Carson High School senior and peer counselor, Jasmine Broadnax, said “[It’s the little things] like the lighting is much better and there’s a lot more storage room now. Overall, it’s just less cluttered than last year’s room and we’re able to assist and serve students more efficiently.”

This new college center also has newly added features such as: more sinks (to help keep the space clean), and better organizational systems. It’s quite diverse too. The college center can help students with anything from fee waivers for college applications and AP exams, SAT and college class sign-ups, and of course, choosing and preparing for the correct college for you.

In fact, according to CHS senior and peer counselor Ronia Green, “Our mission is to inform and aid students who are unaware or not sure about their college options. On top of this, the inviting nature of the college center is [something] that makes it so special because from the moment you walk in, you’re greeted with smiles and open arms.”

Many underclassmen also might assume that the college center is only available to seniors, but that simply isn’t the case. All resources are free to be utilized by any grade level. One must only reach out and take advantage of the many things they offer.

“I’ve been going to the college center since freshman year, and I always went there for help when it came to sign ups or [when I had] questions about colleges. I can say with 100% certainty [that] the college center helps people out to the best of their abilities and [I see now] that we all go above and beyond to make sure of that,” explained CHS senior and peer counselor, Brian Gonzalez.

With the combination of a new and improved location and our wonderful peer and college counselors, the college center’s success is sure to only blossom from here. The inspirational teamwork and passion for further education they exhibit aims to encourage students to pursue college and though it may seem daunting and intimidating, they’re ready and willing to help make the process a lot smoother and easier. With that being said, if you wish to pay the college center a visit, you may do so at room G9.

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