by Kyndall Beamon // Staff Writer
Carson High School is coming out with a new Trailblazer Podcast! This will be a new way for the Carson complex to get their latest school and worldwide news. It will cover a variety of topics and make the trailblazer even more exciting. The plan is to get more students interested and involved in the trailblazer.
“The Trailblazer is limited to what’s on the page, but in a podcast you can explore more aspects than you could, say in a written article.” said CHS New Media and Photography teacher Mr. Watkins. Right now we’re setting up the filming location, we’re getting the mics, getting the green screen ready and everything because we want to do a really good job. We thought that in a podcast, the kids would have more freedom and levity to talk about whatever they’d like to.”
CHS Senior Jonathan Maduike said this about the new podcast: “ Some kids don’t like the newspaper, some learn better visually or by listening than just reading. It’s going to be real, raw, and authentic. You’re going to hear about what’s going on in school, the entertainment world, sports…it’s going to be raw.”
“I’m excited to see what this podcast will bring to the table. I enjoy listening to podcasts already so the fact that Carson will have one is really cool. I’m excited.” said CHS junior Diamond Young.
Wow! This podcast seems like it will benefit students who enjoy listening about news rather than reading! And with the effort being put in, it’s sure to impress all of the Carson Complex. Be sure to tune in to the new Trailblazer podcast