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Red Ribbon Week

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

by Samantha Diaz // Staff Writer

Red Ribbon Week is an event that helps spread awareness to inform others on the dangers of addictive substances and to prevent the use of drugs such as: vaping, smoking, and alcohol .It was created in 1980 and is celebrated on October 23rd-31st. Made to honor Enrique Camarena, who was killed by a drug cartel while serving in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Red Ribbon Week focuses now on creating awareness for teenagers that do not know how substances that will affect them later on in life. It gives students the opportunity to view their choices, educate themselves and encourage other students that can relate to make a positive change, and is a public way for people to voice their opinion and share their stories with the benefit of catching someones attention and helping them.

Carson Complex students also organize events that are surrounded around the awareness that are meant to get the students involved as much as possible.

“It is very important for students to know about Red Ribbon Week because they will be able to know what they can do to prevent from doing these substances. The school’s events offer activities that the students will enjoy but at the same time expand their knowledge of doing something else rather than the addictive substances,” said Marinelle Singson, a senior at the Academy of Medical Arts.

Many minors are not aware of what Red Ribbon Week is until they get to school. It has many benefits, like encouraging the youth to make positive changes in their present lives so they can have a brighter and healthier future.

“I had never heard of Red Ribbon Week until I was in elementary school and I’m glad that I got an early understanding on it because [now] I don’t have to worry about my health. Drugs are an unnecessary thing that people carelessly use.” said Academies of Education and Empowerment junior, Julie Garcia.

The unhealthy substances affect you later on in life but also affect you when you first start. Students that are not educated on the dangers of the substances unknowingly ruin their education.

“Drugs mess up your focus on schoolwork resulting in you getting bad grades. Alcohol can get into the wrong hands making someone become violent or not aware of their actions and they could end up getting into a car accident or harm another person, either way drugs and alcohol are bad for your system.” said Diana Castaneda, CHS junior.

Red Ribbon Week hopes to educate students on things that can harm you and help be the reason why you have a better and healthier future.

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