by Kenady Craig // Staff Writer
Academies of Education and Empowerment student and eleventh grader Brandon Gutierrez is taking AEE by storm with his line of original cartoon characters as well as his own written comic books. He’s had a passion for drawing ever since he was six years old.
“I started drawing when I was [in] kindergarten; that’s when I really started to [love it],” said Brandon, “All I really drew was crude images of cartoon characters and videogame characters and what not.”
As Brandon got older, his interests changed.
He said, “My style of art started in the sixth grade where I started doing more of my original design.”
Alexia Santos, a ninth grader at Carson High School, admitted that she has seen some of his work.
She said, “I have a lot of friends at AEE, so I hang out there a lot. I sometimes see Brandon drawing [while] at the benches. He’s really good, and I can see him in the animation business.”
Brandon stated that when he creates his characters they mean a lot to him. His favorite original character is “Shadow Man” which happens to be his first original cartoon.
Brandon emphasized the intense amount of time, effort and dedication it takes to perfect his characters.
Students aren’t the only one’s noticing Brandon’s talent. Mr. Soltysik, an art teacher at CHS, said that the young student is very talented and creative.
He stated, “He’s innately doing things that adults with years of education and experience can’t do. I really want him to pursue art school and a career in animation. Outside of artwork, Brandon is a unique individual with a lot of personality and character. He’s an awesome guy!”
Overall, Brandon is a very talented artist who is going to do big things one day. He is the perfect example of someone who is passionate about their dreams.