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Suicide Awareness Month

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

by: Erin Williams – Staff Writer

Suicide Prevention Week is nationally recognized from September 9th through the 15th. This week, especially within Carson High School, students are expected to come together to acknowledge the importance of these days. This year’s theme is “Working Together to Prevent Suicide.”

It is imperative for all to recognize this week.

“Suicide awareness is important because people need to understand that everyone goes through things that people aren’t also aware of,” said CHS junior Phenix Gauthier.

Students that may experience ideas or thoughts related to suicide need to know that they are not alone and that help is available. We have many on campus that are willing and able to help including Ms.Gonzalez, Ms. Bennet, teachers, counselors, and also our very own Wellness Center staff.

“I think this month is very important because its something people have a hard time talking about not just students,[but] people in general… a lot of people may be struggling with feeling sad or maybe finding the right person to talk too, but once you take the time to talk about it, it takes away what you call stigma and make people more comfortable about getting help,” state Ms.Bennet, Pupil Services and Attendance counselor.

To help those who struggle, several activities have been planned.

“Activities held at Carson High School include three questions put in teacher boxes to ask to their zero period, and the students that participated in that [get] a green ribbon to wear,” said Audriana Gonzalez, Psychiatric Social Worker, “[the ribbon stands for] hope.”

Students throughout CHS have come up with ideas for some activities of their own.

“My advice for those who struggle with suicidal thoughts is stay strong and know that you are never alone; when you are feeling down, don’t isolate yourself. Suicide is not the way out; have positive thoughts and get help from people you can trust,” said senior Jalynn Harris of CHS.

If you are an individual who is going through a hard time and thinking about commiting suicide, know that people are here rooting for you and want your safety. Some things you can do that may help are start exercising, go outside to get sunlight, join a group or a club, and spend time with people you love. Surrounding yourself with people is the way to go.

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