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Super Heroes Change Lives

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

by David Anuku // Staff Writer

This month is dedicated to all the superheroes that inspire us to become courageous. From Batman, Superman, and Spiderman, these heroes display unique powers and rescue people in life-threatening situations. This month goes out to all superheroes whether fictional or real. We usually express our interest in the month through comics and remembering lines from movies.

Other fans enthusiastically express their love by drawing or getting into character through their actions or personalities or by reading comics.

Seleve Tuisalo’o, Carson High School senior stated, “I’m motivated [by] Green Lantern’s actions. We should seriously celebrate this holiday.”

Superheroes are a part of our everyday entertainment, allowing us to pick up motives just like them. This month should be fun for all and should be included during CHS spirit week that we can show our support.

“I don’t like comics, but the action movies make me feel like I can do the stunts myself,” claimed CHS senior Vincent Brock.

Although stunts are not encouraged, the trait of helping others is. Many heroes do not have a cape, but they do have a helping hand. Be a hero and help somebody today just like your favorite character. Also, show some spirit this month in a creative way or just treat yourself to the latest superhero movie.

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