by Kenady Craig // Features Editor
The bathroom debate erupted in March of 2016 when North Carolina passed House Bill 2, which prohibts transgender youth from using the restroom oriental to their gender identity. Since then, society has joined in on this debacle; declaring the idea either atrocious or superb. However in this political atmosphere with Trump being in office and “pumping up” white supremacy, hate crimes are most likely to increase if trans persons were to be able to use the restroom according to what they identify themselves. With that said, transgenders have the right as people to use the bathroom of their choice and they shouldn’t be put in a box. Nevertheless, it’s not the right time.
“What we have done here in the nurse’s office is provide two all gender bathrooms for those students who do not feel comfortable entering into one of the bathrooms outside…I wouldn’t want students who are trying to adjust their binders or do whatever they’re doing [just for their] privacy to be violated. So right now I think [as] people become more educated and the political climate changes and there’s less hate, then I think we’ll be okay,” explained School Nurse Maryanne.
We have to keep in mind that the term, “transgender” is not just for those who are transitioning physically, but also for those who may identify as non-binary, androgyne, cisgender, bigender, genderqueer, gender questioning, and many more that fall under the umbrella of gender fluidity. So how do we handle other forms of sexuality and their need to pee? Well, if you are non-binary, which means you don’t identify as a specific gender and may use the pronouns, “they” or “them”, or say gender questioning then you would utilize an all gender restroom or a “family stall”.
LGBTQ+ club advisor and Carson High School history teacher Ms. Schaefer said, “I don’t think trans people should have their own bathroom because that puts them into some type of third category and it separates them from everybody else.”
An opinion piece published by USA Today, “High school could have been hell for my transgender son. Don’t make it hell for the next kid,” written by Melissa Defestano earlier this year, stated in regards of her son, “But during Aidan’s senior year, a handful of other students sued the school, claiming that their privacy was violated because transgender students were using the same bathrooms and locker rooms.”
Liam De Leon, a senior at Carson High School and trans male, expressed his views saying, “It would hurt my feelings probably [being told I had to use the restroom somewhere else] like it’s just a bathroom; I just want to pee.”
It’s absurd that as a “free country” minorities still have to fight for the basic rights that are supposed to be given at birth. Regardless of sexual orientaion, there should more laws of anti-discrimination but that’s no one’s priority apparently. Times have changed and things have gotten better, however there’s still work to be done. Something as simple as taking a piss shouldn’t be debatable. Whatever your gender identity is, whether you’re a trans female, male, and such else, you use that restroom. Don’t let the ignorance and stupidity of other people determine your fate.