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The Good, The Bad, The Politics

Writer's picture: CHS JournalismCHS Journalism

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

by Julliette Arroyo // Staff Writer

This past January 20th marked Donald Trump’s first official year in office as America’s 45th president. Although it has been a year subject to many debates and controversy, we can all agree that it has been exhausting.

With all the controversy surrounding his validity as president, we are constantly left questioning not only his beliefs, but his legitimacy as well. Judging by his controversial “Tweet of the day,” it is no surprise that many Americans, on both ends of the political spectrum, may question his suitability for this revered position.

During the infamous 2016 elections, Trump had made his beliefs on race and sexism more than clear. From his comments on grabbing women by their genitalia to his overwhelming desire to build a wall, he has given America the idea that he is undoubtedly very different than the presidents of the past. Along with the small ounce of hope for his presidency, expectations were set even lower. Unfortunately, Trump’s first year has only showed America his true colors. He has made several racist remarks and is not afraid to speak on what he believes in. With his call for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S., the catastrophic proposal to end the DACA Act, and his comments during the Oval Office meeting regarding “shithole countries,” Trump has infuriated many Americans of different backgrounds.

Meanwhile, Trump has also surprised us with his way of interaction and communication with the rest of America. He relies on Twitter as an outlet to sound off on issues regarding his presidency, and many have been led to believe that he is too immature and unfit for his position.

“He [Trump] is definitely nonconventional. He’s an entertainment president, has no political background, and has a combative relationship with the media, describing them as fake news. He is blunt, certainly not politically correct, and scandal abound with pornstars accusing him of relationships and his criminal investigations with Mueller…He will be infamous, that’s for sure,” said Academies of Education and Empowerment teacher Mr. Aquino.

Donald Trump’s presidency will continue to be debated for as long as he is in office, however, a president’s successes and failures in their first year cannot accurately predict their future actions. Furthermore, his presidential credibility and reputation have taken a downfall this past year. For the sake of America, it is our only hope that Trump follows through with his initial promise: to make America great again.



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