Photo courtesy of Sarahmae Espinosa // CHS
by Jeffrey Escano // Staff Writer
Students of Carson, you all are probably aware of the lunch program that goes on in our school. The lunch program is ran by Ms. Hart and its objective is to provide students with a free and nutritional meal for kids to eat while at school.
“I think it’s important because we all need to eat. Without proper vitamins and certain foods, our bodies might not be able to function right.” said Tehuiarii Matautia, a CHS sophomore.
CHS is not the only school that is a part of this lunch program. Students from AEE and AMA are also apart of the lunch program, and they receive the same benefits as CHS students.
“It’s important because it gives us opportunities to get free lunch and support our school,” said AEE senior Ralph Hernandez.
Aside from just providing students with free lunches, if they qualify for it, the lunch program also helps the district with funds. These funds are very important to CHS and the money is much needed. That’s why certain kids have been pulled out of their classrooms to go pick up an application and have it filled out.
“I know it provides funding for the school so that they can have all the resources necessary for it to be successful, like books, supplies, and electronic devices such as computers,” said Victor Jimenez, a senior who attends AMA.
Staff and teachers are also benefitting from this lunch program. They benefit from it because of the fact that they are getting jobs from the lunch program and money is being generated to save jobs.
“It helps the district and the school. It helps generate money that can help save jobs for staff members, clerical workers and teachers,” said Ernie, a security member for CHS.
The person who operated the lunch program, Ms. Hart, received a $1,000 check that came from money raised from the lunch applications.
Ms. Hart simply said, “I was really shocked when I got the check.”
If any of you guys have not yet turned in a lunch application it is very important that it gets handled because you’re not only helping yourself, but the school as well.