by Joshua Wingo // Staff Writer
Fellow students of Carson High School, did you know that the use of the “N word” is offensive and not a proper way of referring to yourself or anyone else? People of non-African roots or backgrounds use this word in a demeaning manner to talk down on others. Some people use the word just because they heard someone else say it and they start to feel that it’s okay to say it too. They might often hear it in song lyrics and say the word just because it’s in the song. What people need to understand is that the word shouldn’t be thrown around that loosely.
“When I walk the hallways I often hear people use the word and I want to slap them,” said Carson High junior Cameron Willis.
Black people from all over the world need to address this issue and stand up for ourselves because if we can’t love one another, no one else will. People will talk about others to push them away and make them feel like outcasts. But what we need to understand is that we were all meant to be different. Empowerment comes from the self and nothing else.
Academy of Medical Arts junior Julianne Austria stated, “People should not use the word in general, because it was used by white people back in the day to degrade black people from everyone else.”
Why are people feeling this way? Should parents be upset? Those are all good questions but why should we even be worried about what ignorant people say or do? We should be worried about why our young black men and women being killed by authority figures meant to protect us, and why black people are still being sold into slavery in Libya in 2018.What we need to do as a group is stop talking about each other and build foundations and relationships with one another.
People need to understand that the word is used by black people because of the historical context the word was cultivated from, the days of slavery, and the use of the word shouldn’t continue being reinforced by those ignorant of its history.