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The Royal Family

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

by Chaya Conwell // Staff Writer

The Royal family is a British Royal Family consisting of Queen Elizabeth and her close relations. A list of the current royal family will usually include the monarch, the children and male-line grandchildren of the monarch and previous monarchs, the children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, and all of their current or widowed spouses. Currently the Royal Family are going through obstacles that aren’t so good.

On January 8, Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, posted on Instagram about their plans to relinquish their positions as “senior” members of the British royal family, split their time between North America and the UK, and establish financial independence. There is a major controversy on whether or not what the young couple is doing involves racism. By not enforcing or understanding the need to protect Meghan from vicious, racist press coverage in a more deliberate way, the royal family is losing her and what she has to offer.

Academy of Education and Empowerment senior Jonathan Josey implied “I think it does have to do with racism because of the careless decisions that were made by them.”

Queen Elizabeth claimed that she entirely supports Prince Harry’s and Meghan’s decision but would have preferred them to remain full-time working Members of the Royal Family, while others may think that she is ungrateful and selfish for breaking up the royal family. The move to be finacially independent from the Sovereign Grant, which opens up the possibility of Harry and Meghan earning incomes in other careers, could raise questions. Will this be an option for more royal family members, particularly those far down the line in succession? Does this mean there will be a new prince?

Carson High School teacher Ms. Coyle stated “The Prince and his new wife and new baby are being chased by the paparazzi since there are terrible lies being spread about them. They decided they did not want to be apart of that and therefore moved to Canada.”

Overall many judgements can be made upon the royal family. Harry and Meghan’s decision to quit senior royal life and spend time outside of the UK is a is an act of self-respect and self-preservation which can be viewed as selfishness. The move has been and will no doubt continue to be painted by critics as a selfish shirking of responsibilities, but it’s more of a shifting.

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