By Kamryn Dismuke: Staff Writer
As the volleyball season is underway, your Carson Colts Marine League Volleyball Champs have been undefeated thus far. This team is being led by three very strong captains who have well enough experience in this game of volleyball. They have played against big teams and have secured their spot for city.
“We beat Palisades for the first time in I don’t know how long,” said Carson High School senior and varsity volleyball captain, Kennedy Freeman, “they were number 2 in the city and we knocked them down. They were our biggest win this year and boosted our seating for city.”
Kennedy started playing competitive volleyball in the 9th grade and continued on because of how competitive her family was.
“I plan on using volleyball to get through college and get my degree,” Freeman said. As the season progresses a few of their teammates and another captain think they can move as far as they want to if they all want it.
CHS junior Chai Howard states, “Ohh! I think we’re doing well enough to win anything as long as we want it as a team.”
Chai is also the varsity captain and plays center for the team. She was 9 years old when she started playing competitive volleyball because she seen her sisters playing and it seemed fun.
Narbonne High School and Pedro High School were supposed to be the teams to give them a run for their money but Carson come out victorious both times. Don’t miss out on this years girls volleyball team! They are a force to be reckoned with.